O u r E x p e r t i s e 
Valet Express is a family business. It was created in order
to provide every working person with a simple, fast and reliable
solution for car repair and maintenance.
Our many years of experience within the automotive industry
have shown us the communication gap that exists between automotive
suppliers and you, the average driver.
In response we have launched our exclusive concept,
“Valet Express”, to fill the void and act
as the missing link between the supplier and driver,
offering innovative, efficient and reasonable solutions
directly from the workplace.
At first, our service was only available for corporate fleet
maintenance but now the Valet Express service is offered to
all employees of our corporate clients.
S a t i s f i e d C u s t o m
e r s 
We are proud to be servicing over 500 companies throughout
the island of Montréal and area. The following organizations
have all accommodated a Valet Express kiosk. Today they wouldn’t
do without it.
Otsuka |
Pfizer Canada |
Abbott Laboratories |
Novartis |
Avon |
Merck Frosst |
Schering Canada |
Metafore |
Hospira |
Manitoulin Transport |
Imperial Tobacco |
Covidien |
La Senza |
Their employees will tell you,
“It is much simpler with Valet Express”
T e s t i m o n i a l s 
“Je ne voulais pas laisser passer
l’occasion sans vous dire personnellement combien
nous apprécions votre excellent service et collaboration.
“Tous nos participants sont pleinement
satisfaits et désirent se joindre à moi
pour vous complimenter. Votre service est courtois,
rapide et convient parfaitement à nos besoins.”
M. Duval, President Polycol

“From my perspective as Fleet
Manager, the peace of mind which comes from knowing
that all of my drivers are being served with top notch
professionalism and at a competitive cost is priceless.”
G. Lagodich, Controller Smith+ Nephew

“Their door-to-door service,
pickup and delivery and availability of courtesy vehicles
make a tremendous difference to our busy executives.”
B. Airey, Fleet Administrator Pfizer

“Nous épargnons un temps
précieux en leur confiant l’entretien et
les réparations des voitures de nos employés.”
S. Trogi-Ménard, Chef des
Services internes et bureautique, McDonalds

“Je tiens à mentionner
la gentillesse et le professionnalisme de toute l’équipe.”
Mme. Vernier, Superviseur Sevices
Administratifs, Van Waters & Rogers Ltee.
If you are interested in more references just
call us.

Try it! Your employees will thank you!
Ask about our trial period.